неделя, 9 февруари 2014 г.

Thin stream of urination is a problem with the prostate

In the case of family history is good men to begin annual examinations urologist before the age of 45
Dr. Vasil Vasilev - Department of Urology at the University Hospital " Alexandrovska" , author of urology website www.urology.bg
- Dr. Vassilev for enlarged prostate does not talk much. What is this disease ?
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or enlarged prostate is very typical for men over 50-60 years. It is important to note that this is a benign growth of normal prostate cells , which increase in number and volume of the gland becomes larger .
Not talking about disease , and status , which occurs in almost all adult males. This process is directly related to aging and the presence of male hormones in the body. Comparable with graying hair and wrinkles.
Normal prostate young man is the size of a chestnut. After 35-40 years it gradually begins to grow, at some point appear problems with urination .
- What exactly are the symptoms?
- By increasing the prostate begins to compress the urethra ( the groove which carries urine ) , and harder to drain the bladder . The first large group of symptoms was due to these changes. During urination stream becomes thinner , interrupted or delayed . The patient has a feeling of nedoizprazvane bladder .
Another group of symptoms result from changes in the bladder wall , thus clogging. The man walked often need to pass the night , hard hold urine.
Typically, the dominant symptom of one of the two groups , but it is also possible combination . Their appearance , however, is an indication that you should seek medical attention.
- How is it diagnosed?
- It is every man over the age of 50 to consult a urologist at least once a year. This is the recommendation of all international urological associations. The objective is to determine both the degree of growth of the prostate, and to exclude the presence of cancer.
The review includes a study of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Other recommended ultrasound study to show the doctor the size of the prostate, to establish the status of the bladder and kidney .
Digital rectal examination is one of the things that frighten men the most. But this is one of the most informative studies , which can not be replaced by any equipment. The examination lasts 15 minutes and should not cause concern after the stronger sex .
- Can enlarged prostate to develop cancer ?
- The two are not mutually exclusive . It is entirely possible on the background of an enlarged prostate have an outbreak of cancer.
The problem is that prostate cancer or no symptoms , or it is very similar to that of benign prostatic hyperplasia . When cancer -specific symptoms occur , it is now too late . It is therefore necessary annual review specialist . I found in the early stages, prostate cancer is completely curable .
- What therapeutic approaches applied in prostatic enlargement ?
- Treatment only began after the onset of any symptoms . Still do not have drugs that stop the growth of prostate or to return to normal size . The aim is to relieve the patient's symptoms and slow the progression of the condition .
Medications that relax the prostate, expanding stem and facilitate urination . Another group of drugs block the action of testosterone on the prostate itself and to some extent slowed benign hyperplasia. Lately, we can count on products that combine the effects of both groups medication.
When symptoms become very severe and complications occur , you may require discontinuation of drug therapy and transition to surgical treatment. The aim is to eliminate the expanded tissue of the prostate and urethra unblock , allowing the patient to urinate easily.The classic surgical treatment is an open surgery , but in recent years given less often because they entered new methods . Especially popular among patients laser techniques that allow rapid, efficient and bloodless operation at very enlarged prostate .
One of the most common operational approaches is transurethral resection. This is the first bloodless intervention performed through the urethra , and the prostate was removed by current. However, this method can not be applied to a larger glands.
It is important to note that the growth of the prostate does not categorically operation . Some patients spend 10-20 years on medication and never reach the surgery . The main indication for resorting to intervention is the presence of complications.
- What might be these complications ?
- Acute retention ( retention ) of urine is a serious problem that allows the patient to empty the bladder completely . Other complications include: formation of bladder stones , prostate bleeding that can not be controlled with medication , severe infections due to stagnation of urine prostate , urinary retention in the kidneys and disruption of their function; heavy sipmtomi who struggle and violate patient quality of life .
- Age Is the main risk factor for benign prostatic hyperplasia ?
- Yes, with advancing age the prostate becoming greater. Heredity is also among the leading risk factors. Earlier appearance of symptoms seen in people whose father , grandfather or uncle had prostate problems . The same is true for the prostate cancer . For these men, it is better to start a yearly exam by a urologist from the age of 45 .
Certain foods and drinks are not suitable for people who show early signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Alcohol , coffee , hot and extra fatty foods can aggravate symptoms. We therefore recommend that men change of life , compliance with diet , more exercise and weight reduction .

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