неделя, 9 февруари 2014 г.

Prevention of influenza in several steps

In small children , the chronically ill and elderly flu may require hospitalization and even intensive care
Now the child is clear that not all coughing and nose ejection flu. Because the real flu is a disease of character that occurs very clearly and emphatically . Begins suddenly with chills and fever, severe headache , complete fatigue, pain in joints and muscles of the body. In the following days may be added to cough , sore throat , conjunctivitis, herpes and a range of other symptoms and complications. In small children , the chronically ill and the elderly flu may require hospitalization and even intensive care . The reasons for hospitalization are the most frequently associated with pneumonia , and respiratory failure , by problems of the cardiovascular system , kidney infections , neurological complications such as meningitis and encephalitis . Therefore, measures against influenza should begin in the fall and continue throughout the season risk that our latitudes is from November to December to March-April .
before the season
A healthy lifestyle with plenty of outdoor activities appropriate to the age and activity nutrition, sufficient sleep strengthens immunity and prepare the body for the winter. Specific prevention is possible by influenza vaccine. It is particularly recommended for the chronically ill and the elderly. However, the injection should be done at least a month before the alleged pandemic wave in order to have time to work the body immunity. The role of the compositions in Polyvitamins and minerals is important in the uniform feeding and in certain diseases. Healthy people can easily obtain the necessary vitamins from food.
During the epidemic
Flu is transmitted very easily from person to person through tiny particles that are released when sneezing and coughing. They fall into the mouth, nose and eyes of others and the virus enters their body . A patient can infect an entire bus. When declared epidemic is well -risk groups not to visit crowded places like public transport at peak hours , hospitals, cinemas, theaters, crowded stores. Mask nose and mouth provides some protection , but must be changed for two hours and not reused. Hands should be washed after every ride home.
When sick at home
Possible to isolate in a separate room where no other sleeping family members. All rooms to be ventilated regularly. Blowing the nose and drying hands and face only be used towels to be collected in a separate plastic bag . Patient to eat in separate containers , and for him to enter a mask . When he walked in the other rooms , putting a mask. If the house is close to whom the risk of infection is high, may adopt prophylactic An influenza preparation , such as rimantadine , for 1 month after consultation with your GP.
If you become ill
The earlier start a specific treatment against the virus , the disease being controlled effectively . The formulations containing paracetamol and vitamin C , relieve symptoms , but does not stop the propagation of the influenza virus . Adoption of specific preparations against influenza should be initiated as described by the manufacturer and after a consultation with a doctor within 48 hours of onset of symptoms. In Bulgaria, for decades a positive experience with rimantadine , which in the 60s was first provided for the army. Treatment should be complemented by mandatory staying in bed, drinking plenty of fluids , vitamin E ( in adolescents 14 years and older ) , and some immunomodulators . According additional complaints may be accepted syrups , drops and tablets against temperature , cough, sore throat , stuffy nose. Sometimes recovery from the flu takes a few weeks because the disease is a serious challenge to the body. Proper and timely treatment is the best defense against complications .

Thin stream of urination is a problem with the prostate

In the case of family history is good men to begin annual examinations urologist before the age of 45
Dr. Vasil Vasilev - Department of Urology at the University Hospital " Alexandrovska" , author of urology website www.urology.bg
- Dr. Vassilev for enlarged prostate does not talk much. What is this disease ?
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or enlarged prostate is very typical for men over 50-60 years. It is important to note that this is a benign growth of normal prostate cells , which increase in number and volume of the gland becomes larger .
Not talking about disease , and status , which occurs in almost all adult males. This process is directly related to aging and the presence of male hormones in the body. Comparable with graying hair and wrinkles.
Normal prostate young man is the size of a chestnut. After 35-40 years it gradually begins to grow, at some point appear problems with urination .
- What exactly are the symptoms?
- By increasing the prostate begins to compress the urethra ( the groove which carries urine ) , and harder to drain the bladder . The first large group of symptoms was due to these changes. During urination stream becomes thinner , interrupted or delayed . The patient has a feeling of nedoizprazvane bladder .
Another group of symptoms result from changes in the bladder wall , thus clogging. The man walked often need to pass the night , hard hold urine.
Typically, the dominant symptom of one of the two groups , but it is also possible combination . Their appearance , however, is an indication that you should seek medical attention.
- How is it diagnosed?
- It is every man over the age of 50 to consult a urologist at least once a year. This is the recommendation of all international urological associations. The objective is to determine both the degree of growth of the prostate, and to exclude the presence of cancer.
The review includes a study of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Other recommended ultrasound study to show the doctor the size of the prostate, to establish the status of the bladder and kidney .
Digital rectal examination is one of the things that frighten men the most. But this is one of the most informative studies , which can not be replaced by any equipment. The examination lasts 15 minutes and should not cause concern after the stronger sex .
- Can enlarged prostate to develop cancer ?
- The two are not mutually exclusive . It is entirely possible on the background of an enlarged prostate have an outbreak of cancer.
The problem is that prostate cancer or no symptoms , or it is very similar to that of benign prostatic hyperplasia . When cancer -specific symptoms occur , it is now too late . It is therefore necessary annual review specialist . I found in the early stages, prostate cancer is completely curable .
- What therapeutic approaches applied in prostatic enlargement ?
- Treatment only began after the onset of any symptoms . Still do not have drugs that stop the growth of prostate or to return to normal size . The aim is to relieve the patient's symptoms and slow the progression of the condition .
Medications that relax the prostate, expanding stem and facilitate urination . Another group of drugs block the action of testosterone on the prostate itself and to some extent slowed benign hyperplasia. Lately, we can count on products that combine the effects of both groups medication.
When symptoms become very severe and complications occur , you may require discontinuation of drug therapy and transition to surgical treatment. The aim is to eliminate the expanded tissue of the prostate and urethra unblock , allowing the patient to urinate easily.The classic surgical treatment is an open surgery , but in recent years given less often because they entered new methods . Especially popular among patients laser techniques that allow rapid, efficient and bloodless operation at very enlarged prostate .
One of the most common operational approaches is transurethral resection. This is the first bloodless intervention performed through the urethra , and the prostate was removed by current. However, this method can not be applied to a larger glands.
It is important to note that the growth of the prostate does not categorically operation . Some patients spend 10-20 years on medication and never reach the surgery . The main indication for resorting to intervention is the presence of complications.
- What might be these complications ?
- Acute retention ( retention ) of urine is a serious problem that allows the patient to empty the bladder completely . Other complications include: formation of bladder stones , prostate bleeding that can not be controlled with medication , severe infections due to stagnation of urine prostate , urinary retention in the kidneys and disruption of their function; heavy sipmtomi who struggle and violate patient quality of life .
- Age Is the main risk factor for benign prostatic hyperplasia ?
- Yes, with advancing age the prostate becoming greater. Heredity is also among the leading risk factors. Earlier appearance of symptoms seen in people whose father , grandfather or uncle had prostate problems . The same is true for the prostate cancer . For these men, it is better to start a yearly exam by a urologist from the age of 45 .
Certain foods and drinks are not suitable for people who show early signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Alcohol , coffee , hot and extra fatty foods can aggravate symptoms. We therefore recommend that men change of life , compliance with diet , more exercise and weight reduction .

The two faces of cholesterol

Cholesterol is vital fat that participate in the construction of a number of cells, tissues and organs and is a component of many hormones. The question is, the quantities of the different fractions thereof to be in the appropriate physiological range
To understand better you cholesterol , you should do a blood test . Take a venous blood of fasting a few days abstaining from fatty meats from which serum separated , and it is determined how cholesterol . Most commonly called examined . total cholesterol, but it is not enough . It is important to see the values ​​of "bad " LDL ( low density lipoprotein ) and "good " HDL ( high density lipoprotein ) cholesterol. Worst is to blame for the accumulation of fatty deposits in blood vessels , which can then cause heart attack or stroke , and the best , otherwise , clean the circulatory system of harmful cholesterol , it " captures " and removed from the body. Normal values ​​to which usually aim are: total cholesterol - to 5 mmol / l; HDL cholesterol - more than 1 mmol / l; LDL cholesterol - to 3 mmol / l. Another important indicator is triglycerides. Their content in the blood serum is very important because they can be an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and its complications . The normal value is up to 1,7 mmol / l.
Who should be investigated
If no special indications , such as familial hypercholesterolemia (an inherited impairment where generations transmitted high cholesterol ) , the first study should be done about adulthood . If the result is normal , the following tests of the lipid profile may be made in 5 years. Good men over the age of 35 to monitor more frequently cholesterol , for example, in 2 years, if the results are normal. When deviations doctor will order more frequent tests. This applies to people of working age , but suffering from hypertension , ischemic heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Usually women in menopause are not in the group at risk of cardiovascular events , but then quickly catching up with men. So after the cessation of menstruation regular monitoring should be every year. Older people with established cardiovascular and / or endocrine diseases should monitor cholesterol profile at least twice a year. That is monitored , and the effect of any treatment with statins - compositions that inhibit the formation of cholesterol in the liver.
Help you diet
Of course it matters what you eat , but often have high cholesterol and people who are normal weight and do not overdo fat. This is due to the so-called endogenous cholesterol, whose formation is not affected by the particular menu . But a healthy diet at all times is important not only because cholesterol is a risk factor . Excessive accumulation of fat , especially abdominal significantly increases the risk of vascular events . If within six months you can not normalize cholesterol through diet , herbs and supplements , most likely your doctor will prescribe medication , especially if cholesterol significantly exceed the standards and have other risk factors.
The new tag
High cholesterol is one of the classic causes of cardiovascular problems. But in recent years, scientists have found a relationship between elevated levels of a specific protein called C-reactive protein (CRP), and cardiovascular risk . However, when this protein a patient is high, even his cholesterol is normal , the risk remains . This is the reason Cardiology increasingly seek examination of this protein , particularly of its highly specific fraction (hsCRP), a mark which is not a common acute infection , and for the so -called quiet inflammation affecting the inside wall of the blood vessel and favors the accumulation of plaque , which narrows them . When the value of a highly hsCRP is up to 1 mg / l, it sets a lower cardiovascular risk . If the value is between 1 and 3 mg / l, the risk is moderate , and values ​​above 3 mg / l define high risk.

Wear of the joints may be delayed

Chondroprotectors support joint nutrition , slowing the destructive processes and osteoporotic changes
- Dr. ZARKOVA , is there a relationship between gender, age and early joint degeneration ?
- The problem is predominant in women, hormonal factors play a significant role . Fluctuations in body weight in them usually are also significant , particularly those related to pregnancy . Statistical data from the aging of the joints begins after age 30 . We should be aware , however, other factors - genetic predisposition , a large joint exercise , which began at an early age , presence of any malformations ( eg deformities can lead to problems in the knee joints at a much earlier age) - then prevention should start earlier. Is essential load on the joints, whether practiced any sport or performed heavy physical work .
- Can you anticipate the onset of pain ?
- Prevention must precede pain. But actually, the pain may be other reasons, and it is not necessarily related to the wear of the joint. Normally, when people are exposed to heavy physical exertion , degenerative changes in the shoulder girdle , the spine start earlier . And even if there is no pain , these changes must be controlled to take timely action process of joint degeneration can be postponed. When there is pain, is already a need for ongoing process to slow down. For example, in sports with very high load prevention is mandatory not wait to show pain.
- What preventive steps are in line with current practices?
- When following publications historically , in the 50s , the 60s of the last century not only has drawn so much attention to the joint maintenance. A degenerative changes are irreversible , they can solely be delayed . Today, considerable attention is paid to the complex Prevention - Nutrition, moderate sports ( swimming, for example, is very useful ) , adjusting the weights of dietary supplements that help in slowing degenerative changes . The impact of the so-called . chondroprotectors is not only on the joint itself , but also on vrazkoviya apparatus , which is also aging , collagen is lost in it, lost water. Chondroprotectors support joint nutrition , slowing the destructive processes and osteoporotic changes. I have experience with Hondroseyv that is complex , good chondroprotectors - except includes glucosamine, chondroitin , sulfur - required for the prevention and good eating joint - vitamin D3, many trace elements ( chromium, copper , boron, zinc ) that have antioxidant , involved in cellular metabolism .
- Restricting movement saves you wear ?
- No. Because blood flow brings nutrients to the joint. If restricted movement , reducing blood flow to the joint and then no one can relate the waste products resulting from inflammation and slows the delivery of nutrients. Furthermore, when the ligaments are clamped , hardening is obtained and then the stirring is very difficult.
- Health Fair can it be improved with exercises for the muscles ?
- The connection is direct . Healthy muscle suggests strong links , they did participate in the construction of the joint. Hence greater stability, which hampers the development of degenerative processes. Therefore, moderate exercise definitely has a prophylactic effect on the wear of the joints , strengthening muscles.

Poor placement of the breast is the most common cause of failure in lactation

Most medical professionals have no idea what it looks like a well- placed and effective nurser says Christina Ianeva - Khedr , an internationally certified lactation consultant
Formula is one of the achievements of the twentieth century. But the enthusiasm that advertised as a full substitute for natural nutrition is a revolutionary facility for emancipated woman that supports faster " get fit " after birth , etc. began to subside early 70s of last century. First, in countries with the highest standard such as Norway and the Netherlands emerge movements rehabilitation nursing. Categorically and science - nature is encoded in human milk and in the act of breastfeeding unique mechanisms with long lasting effects on children and women's health .
The focus of campaigns and documents, including the most prestigious organizations in the world , is on the first minutes and hours after birth - this is the moment , ensuring a successful start to breastfeeding. In 1989 in a statement by the WHO and UNICEF says, " You have the right to breastfeed her baby immediately after birth ". More than 20 years these institutions launched an ambitious idea - 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding whereby maternity clinics receive a certificate ' Hospital , a friend of the baby . " About 16 years and Bulgaria joined the project, and for " baby-friendly " recognized several clinics. But still , even in the most famous early putting breast after birth is not practical , the mother always gets plenty of attention and assistance to start a successful breastfeeding.
Fortunately volunteer consultants from the National Association " Support for Breastfeeding " specially trained and accredited are already over 130 and phone 0896 418 488 mothers of 20 cities may seek information and practical assistance. Five consultant already have and the sign for IBCLC internationally recognized lactation specialist .
Christina Ianeva - Khedr is one of five internationally certified lactation consultant in our 9 years of experience
- How did you decide to help women to breastfeed ?
- As with my first child, breastfeeding was not successful , I wanted to do my best with the second it is not repeated . I started looking for information and came in first in the country training for volunteer counselors. Founded the National Association " Support for Breastfeeding ," which trained counselors and medical professionals . We have over 130 consultants and medical staff in the last two courses are around 40.
- Will there be a professional lactation consultant ?
- In our country currently has five consultants with international certificate and only if they are paid consultation - Dr. Aneta Popivanova Maria MASLAROVA , Petya Ivanova, Tanya Ruseva me. Volunteer consultants working for free .
- What grade the reasons for failure to breastfeeding?
- The most common - poor placement of the breast, because there is nobody to show mothers what to do. I can not claim as your impressions of the training that most medical professionals have no idea what it looks like a well placed and effective suckling baby. Besides continuing to spread the dietary recommendations of the three-hour mode, and night break , which is unsuitable for the majority of infants .
- Is it true finding that mother discouraged and give up breastfeeding when heard by the doctor or midwife that the baby is hungry ?
- If the baby is not getting enough , the solution is not to impinge immediately to formula. Very bad role played belief that that has milk - there , that does not - no . It is not normal 90% of mothers do not. It is normal , natural, and expected to have milk. So you have to look for the reason that baby is not getting enough . Is not putting well and it can not remove the milk , whether something happened at birth. A baby , if removed with a vacuum or forceps and it hurts all difficulties to eat. Over 90 % of women start breastfeeding in the maternity ward . Hence the difficulties begin . In the maternity ward every doctor and midwife have their own opinion of how to breastfeed. Whether it is a regime that is on demand , what mothers do , how long to breastfeed , the first day , second, etc. After leaving the hospital, mother and baby are visited by a pediatrician who can say something different , and then are left to fend for themselves sometimes until the end of the first month.
- What mode lactation recommend?
- Breastfed babies thrive best when they are fed according to their desire. We must not allow the child to start crying hard to think of the mother to eat. It starts to rotate, pomrankva - these are signs that he is hungry . It is also important not only to the baby at the breast , but to hear swallowing. Diapers are a good indicator of whether the child is eating well. If the baby two or three weeks of no bowel movements in 24 hours , things are serious and need to see if it feeds . If the mother is breastfeeding hurts - also have a problem.
- Lead your principle as a lactation consultant ?
- It's always the most important thing is the mother to monitor your baby , be related to its signals to be close to your child and to rely and act on the mother's intuition.

събота, 8 февруари 2014 г.

Discover a new way to treat anorexia and neuroses

New way to treat anorexia and neuroses, Canadian researchers found in a pilot study .
During the study , researchers from the University of Medicine in Canada are the first to use a deep brain stimulation (DBS) for the treatment of patients with severe anorexia nervosa and (AN). Obtained encouraging results have been published in the journal "Lancet".
The treatment so far has been limited to behavioral therapy , but in about 20% of cases did not lead to positive results . Previous studies have shown that the DBS has a positive influence on the course of Parkinson's disease and depression. One goal of the new study was to establish the safety of DBS in patients.
The head of the group of scientists who conducted the study , Dr. Andres M. Lozano and his colleagues studied the biological structures associated with pathological changes in mood , anxiety , satisfaction , and inter-and proprioceptive sensitivity.
In the study , researchers used the DBS activity of the limbic system of the brain and assess the potential impact on clinical outcomes .Before the start of the study was determined whether participants had depression and how it is developed , also the presence of anxiety, an eating disorder and others.
In the study used magnetic resonance.
The fact that the healing process has resulted in some patients to a weakening of the manifestations of affective and manic symptoms is essential and suggest that DBS is not just another treatment , and is aimed at strengthening the appetite of patients and has a positive effect on their health.
Researchers emphasize the particular importance of the results for future treatment of patients.

The viral infection leads to autoimmune diseases

The viral infection may lead to autoimmune disease shows a meta- analysis carried out by researchers in the United Kingdom.
The impact of viral infection on the immune system , according to researchers , may help to explain why some people develop autoimmune diseases - potentially dangerous processes of the body's own tissues .
The theory of the potential link between viral infection and autoimmune diseases is long . Is presented as an opportunity for the first time in conducting observational study , which draws attention to the fact that patients with systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) have elevated levels of antibodies.
The most significant evidence comes from the established link between the virus and the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) and SLE - positive test results were observed in 99% of patients.
However, this fact only shows that the development of the studied pathologies often preceded by infection. This process should include other factors that researchers from around the world in a systematic , hoping to unravel the complex epidemiological , molecular puzzle .Australian scientist Michael P. Pender University of Queensland also published his hypothesis that chronic autoimmune diseases are caused by infectious lymphocytes after infection.
Most professionals who are interested in this hypothesis believe that this relationship is based on the principles of molecular mimicry in which the structure of the central nervous system or DNA recognized by the immune system as components of EBV, cause damage to organs and systems.However , Dr Pender believes that molecular mimicry may cause not any virus or bacteria.
When the immune system recognizes the number of new threats , its response can be excessive and contribute to the development of autoimmune pathology. Autoreactive cells are capable of synthesizing potentially pathogenic antibodies, which then fall into the various organs and can lead to the synthesis of specific antibodies.
In most cases it is asymptomatic or manifest mild clinical symptoms. Experts point out that most serious reactions observed during infection in adolescence. Consequently infection during adolescence may cause a cascade of autoimmune responses .
Scientists note that the studies included in the meta-analysis with a degree of heterogeneity , and therefore the results should be interpreted with caution. However, they believe that the hypothesis that infection with EBV plays an important role in the development of autoimmune diseases is firmly established.